Title: These Amendments to the UK Law on Porn are Inherently Sexist

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As the world continues to grapple with the impact of pornography on society, the UK government has recently introduced amendments to the law on accessing online pornography. While the intention may be to protect children from harmful content, these amendments have raised concerns about their inherently sexist nature. In this article, we will explore the implications of these changes and why they are problematic.

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The Amendments

The amendments to the UK law on accessing online pornography require users to verify their age using a credit card or other forms of identification. While this may seem like a reasonable measure to prevent underage access to explicit content, it has raised several red flags.

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The Problematic Nature of the Amendments

The first and most glaring issue with these amendments is that they disproportionately impact women. Research has shown that women are less likely to have access to credit cards or other forms of payment in their own name, especially in cases of financial abuse or control by a partner. This means that women may be effectively barred from accessing legal and consensual pornography, while men face no such barriers.

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Furthermore, the requirement to verify age using a credit card or identification perpetuates the stereotype that only men consume pornography. This not only erases the experiences of women who enjoy adult content but also reinforces harmful gender norms.

Impact on Relationships

The implications of these amendments go beyond the realm of pornography. They have the potential to impact relationships and dating dynamics. By creating barriers to accessing legal and consensual adult content, the amendments may contribute to stigmatizing sexuality and perpetuating shame around sexual expression. This can have a detrimental effect on individuals' confidence and openness in intimate relationships.

Additionally, the sexist nature of these amendments may further perpetuate unequal power dynamics in relationships. If women are disproportionately unable to access adult content, it may contribute to a lack of sexual agency and autonomy, reinforcing traditional gender roles.

The Importance of Inclusivity

It is crucial to recognize that women have the right to access and consume legal and consensual adult content without facing unnecessary barriers. By implementing measures that disproportionately impact women, the UK government is effectively excluding them from a form of self-expression and sexual exploration that should be available to all adults, regardless of gender.

Moving Forward

In order to address the sexist nature of these amendments, it is imperative for policymakers to reconsider their approach to regulating online pornography. Instead of implementing measures that disproportionately impact women, a more inclusive and equitable approach should be adopted. This may include exploring alternative methods of age verification that do not rely on financial means or identification.

Furthermore, there is a need for broader discussions around the impact of these amendments on gender equality and sexual expression. By engaging in open and honest conversations, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society that values the sexual agency and autonomy of all individuals.


The recent amendments to the UK law on accessing online pornography are inherently sexist and have the potential to perpetuate harmful gender norms and inequalities. It is crucial for policymakers to recognize the impact of these measures and work towards a more inclusive and equitable approach to regulating adult content. By advocating for gender equality and sexual agency, we can create a society that values the diverse experiences and expressions of all individuals.